Thursday, July 23, 2009

Service and Learning Together

Teaching younger kids about their future is important. Most important is to teach them how to reach their goal in the most successful way. Teaching my 5th grader how to become a police officer, lawyer, and millionaire was an experience that made me feel better about myself, because I was able to help someone.

Shelden knew what he wanted to be, but didn't know much about what a police officer, kawyer, and millionaire does. My partner and I brought in information that was useful for him and he walked away confident. It took some work to get him focused but it worked.

He had a good time making his college that descibed him and things about the future job he wanted. We learned more about our student, like the things he likes and dislikes. We found out that he wants to help others the same way we were helping him.

Shelden enjoyed our colorful powerpoint that was easy to follow and understand. He was able to see pictures of what real millionaires and lawyers look like. We only came into one problem with Shelden.

He didn't like the idea of writing an essay. Shelden wasn't interested either. He wanted to go play with his friends instead of being with us, even with the bribe of a candybar. I think instead of the students writing a essay, they should do something else.

I enjoyed working with Shelden and would like to work with him more. I think he is extremly confident that a millionare, police officer, and lawyer does. He knows the individual jobs they do and how they help others too.